Does Fizz support the OC Transpo shortcode?

Hi, I am thinking of switching to Fizz. I would like to know if Fizz supports the OC Transpo shortcode 560-560, and if so, do they charge for its use? There are forum posts from about a year ago stating that a lot of 2FA numbers don't work - has this been fixed since? Thanks.


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,660 ✭✭

    They are suppose to have fixed alot of them, since it is couple of months that I do not read any complain about that.


    I am able to receive the PIN, therefore, is working



    If you need a referral code this is mine K61CD, with this code you will receive 25$ to be applied to your 3rd payment.

    It is important to add the referral code must be used during the creation of your plan when the taxes are shown

  • Code_KRUEW
    Code_KRUEW Posts: 400 ✭✭
    The issues with 2FA have been resolved for several months now. It should technically work. I created an account on OC Transpo's website, but it hasn't sent me the activation e-mail yet so I can't test it for you directly from their alerts page. However, I was able to send to the short code (560560) and got replies. See the screenshot.
    And a second note, until January 15, 2020, the referral bonus is $35 and not $25.
  • Jason B. 35371
    Jason B. 35371 Posts: 118 ✭✭
    I use 560-560 every day (as I bus everywhere) and have had zero issues with it! No charge, but I have unlimited texts in my plan.
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 23,434 admin
    Hi Lauren,
    After the stabilization period has ended, this issue has been resolved and I confirm you that the 2 Factor Authentication messages are working properly. We'll be very happy to have you as our customer!
    Have a lovely day!
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