Will Fizz stay cheap?

Genoveva Posts: 27 ✭✭
As a prepaid service provider, FIZZ has no legal obligation to uphold their prices short or longterm, before or after the stabilization period.
So far, so good. But do you think that they will uphold their image as the most affordable provider even if demand increases as time goes on?
I like to think so, but do you think I am just wishful thinking?


  • Allison W.
    Allison W. Posts: 1,272 ✭✭
    If they don't stay cheap, a good portion of its customer base will just move on to whatever provider offers a better deal.
  • Legandir
    Legandir Posts: 607 ✭✭
    I think they will respect there rate for a long Time! They stole many costumers from others phone compagny.
  • SittingRam
    SittingRam Posts: 320 ✭✭
    While it’s true that as a prepaid company they have no obligation to subject their prices to be bellow any other company, we must keep in mind that the ‘raison d’être’ of FIZZ is to compete aggressively in the affordable cellphone market. Kind of doing the things that Vidéotron could not dare to do without losing money from existing customer’s revenu.
    I expect Fizz to remain competitive as long as public, chatr, Fido, Koodo and virgin continue to exist as competition.
    And if Fizz’ past is a good indicator of the future, so far they have kept their word quite well.
  • FC
    FC Posts: 119 ✭✭
    It really depends on what "cheap" meaning. If "cheap" means low price, I do not know Fizz will "stays cheap". Because I did not compare with other companies, and who knows Fizz will increase the price or not in the future. However, even Fizz has the same price like other guys, I still thing Fizz "stays cheap". Before Fizz, I have three lines with Fido. I have 2G data for each line, but only use about 1G per month per line. 1G data wasted. If I go over 2G, there is extra charge. So, we have to monitor the data usage. Now, with Fizz, I told them do not worry about the data. If they need more data, I will gift them. I do not wast any data. Thus, in this point, I think Fizz is better. Fizz makes my life easier.
  • Chris K. #7521
    Chris K. #7521 Posts: 486 ✭✭
    Probably in somewhere between Fido/Virgin and Chatr/Public. On one hand you have LTE speed but you have less customer support.
  • jeedey
    jeedey Posts: 83 ✭✭
    If it stays cheap, it is at the cost of customer support. I am comfortable with having a lower price because I don't need customer support for my internet.
  • Genoveva
    Genoveva Posts: 27 ✭✭
    Those are all very valid points. I’m glad to see that we are all on the same wavelength.
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