Outage Again?

Jayem Posts: 2 ✭✭
Not able to get mobile internet again. 2nd day in a row. Is fizz not able to resolve the basic services it expected to support?


  • Arnaud L. #712
    Arnaud L. #712 Posts: 24 ✭✭
    Working for me. Try rebooting your phone.
  • Ohthatvank
    Ohthatvank Posts: 86 ✭✭
    It's also working great for me. You should probably restard your phone mobile or contact Fizz.
  • Lopresor
    Lopresor Posts: 257 ✭✭
    It's working fine for me !
  • Adriana Z.
    Adriana Z. Posts: 100 ✭✭
    Working for me in MTL (try to put your phone in airplane mode for a minute) this will trigger a search for a network
  • Kovid
    Kovid Posts: 588 ✭✭
    No, the system has been running fine since yesterday afternoon in Ottawa.
  • Jayem
    Jayem Posts: 2 ✭✭
    I had tried the airplane mode toggle but that didn’t work. The reboot worked but is now 3G. This isssue happened on my phone and my wife’s.
    lol as I am typing using my work phone (Bell) my personal phone went back to LTE. The fizz network is full of surprises!!!
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