No network since morning

Rostyslav Posts: 8 ✭✭
I joined fizz 2 days ago. Today since morning I have no network. I saw that is some technical issues . How come when you are going to fix it? You charged already monthly fees but no service at all. I need network I missed important call! How often that might happen again? Is fizz stable or not?


  • Takion
    Takion Posts: 330 ✭✭
    Here is the latest update
    March 25, 2019 - 10:45 am: All our teams have been mobilized and are working relentlessly to address the situation. Fizz apologizes for the inconvenience this may be causing you.
  • sean S. #1350
    sean S. #1350 Posts: 5 ✭✭
    The Network is down, unfortunately. It's the first time in a very long time, and they are working diligently to fix it.
  • Rostyslav
    Rostyslav Posts: 8 ✭✭
    I hope that is only first time otherwise I will have to return back to my old provider. A bit disappointed :( as I use phone every day for work....
  • Jacky L. #58
    Jacky L. #58 Posts: 37 ✭✭

    Im not on Fizz side but any service providers, you have to pay first. Its been 4-5 months since the 1st time we had network problems. Should be fixed soon. Im still on beta pricing so i have no complains at all. Since Fizz is about Virtual service, you guys should get used to using Status network  instead of asking same question over and over again. I think i saw this question at least 50 times. If you guys keep complaining about problems like this without even doing your own research, i don't think Fizz is for you. JMHO. 

  • Toan T.
    Toan T. Posts: 8 ✭✭
    So long to fix, I missed important call too! Grrrr
  • Leifuer
    Leifuer Posts: 540 ✭✭
    March 25, 2019 - 7:45 am We noticed some instabilities on our network, which would explain why some members cannot use their mobile services. We’re currently investigating to pinpoint the cause as soon as possible.

    March 25, 2019 - 9:45 am: Fizz is aware that some of its members cannot use their mobile services. The issue has been identified and a dedicated team is currently working to address it. Fizz apologizes for the inconvenience this may be causing you.

    March 25, 2019 - 10:45 am: All our teams have been mobilized and are working relentlessly to address the situation. Fizz apologizes for the inconvenience this may be causing you.
  • Paul A. 11827
    Paul A. 11827 Posts: 13 ✭✭
    Very unstable service, I might be switching to public mobile myself. They have new competitive prices that match Fizz. Just like you, I joined Fizz thinking it was great, but it really isn't. Customer service is unreliable and utterly useless.
  • Adolfo M. #3790
    Adolfo M. #3790 Posts: 12 ✭✭
    Usually this might happen when there is an important upgrade to the network being put in place, like leaving the beta phase behind from next month. Let's hope this is it and wait for better services later today.
  • Alex M. #2475
    Alex M. #2475 Posts: 122 ✭✭
    When is the service coming back!!?
  • Rostyslav
    Rostyslav Posts: 8 ✭✭
    I thought even to select WiFi plan from fizz. But not sure now. If internet dissapears for the whole day and I am wfh......
  • Imad Jomaa
    Imad Jomaa Posts: 13 ✭✭
    Can I pls use my data now?
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  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,861 ✭✭
    They are back up and running
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 21,861 ✭✭

    Can you close the post choosing the best answer by clicking on the button. Thanks

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