Why i receive a message that i reach 75% when i have 8gb left?

I received a message saying i used 75% of my data and have 18 days left. However, in my session, it says i have 8 Gb. Am i still good?


  • J D. #792
    J D. #792 Posts: 316 ✭✭
    I believe it only base on the monthly data plan to do the calculation. All bonus, rollover, gift, upgrade are ignore I think. Another bug for FIZZ to fix.
  • Kenny L. #23
    Kenny L. #23 Posts: 794 ✭✭
    Their usage meter has not ever been accurate. Hope they fix that. It's annoying.
  • DinoS
    DinoS Posts: 626 ✭✭
    It's a bug. I got message in one of my other account, which said I run of of data as well while I only used 200m in my 2g plan.
    JROCK Posts: 99 ✭✭
    This bugs been around for a while - no sweat!