Got this notification : Urgent: Choose a new phone number

Huy D.
Huy D. Posts: 3 ✭✭
Urgent! We were unable to transfer your phone number to Fizz: (XXX) XXX-XXXX. Please choose a new number or your plan will be cancelled on ${endDateCurrentBillCycle}.
Got this but number was transferred almost a month ago.
Anything i can do to keep the number?
This doesn't make sense


  • Huy D.
    Huy D. Posts: 3 ✭✭
    I'll try and contact them but it doesn't make sense.
    The phone number is not attached to Fido anymore and is in use for the past 3 weeks
  • Huy D.
    Huy D. Posts: 3 ✭✭
    Sono talked to customer support and they said not to worry about losing the number a ticket was opened and I will be notified by email for the follow up.
    Let’s wait and see.