iPhone 15 Imessage activation error with phone number

Kangruitian Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited February 17 in My Mobile

is anyone else having this issue where iPhone iMessage is no longer activated with their phone number? I have posted a screen shot below of the error I am receiving "Imessage activation, an error occured during activation". Yesterday iMessage link to phone number would only show a moving loading wheel and now today I am getting the error in the screenshot.

I noticed this yesterday and have contacted apple support. We tried

  • turning iMessage and FaceTime on and off.
  • Restarting
  • Checking date time is accurate
  • Resetting network

But this issue still persists. I am wondering if Fizz offers international text since I was told for iMessage to connect to phone number, the phone needs to have international text capabilities.i am on IOS 18.3.1 and fizz 62


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