Travel to China and is Fizz Data restricted or not?

Wei X. #4919
Wei X. #4919 Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited February 10 in My Mobile

Hi, I wish to know if I add Data travel add on with Fizz before I go to China, am I be able to log in to Gmail, Facebook and Canadian Bank Account?

Seondly, if it is not restricted, I would like to propose to Fizz to increased their current plan of 20$ CAD for 500 mb Data.

The may concern is the connection restriction for buying local SIM card even if it is way cheaper, like 20$ CAD for 500 G.

Fizz, there is money to be made !!

Just did a search on Google: in 2019, there is more than 3/4 million Canadians travelled to China.

Best Answer

  • BradDoell
    BradDoell Posts: 276 ✭✭
    edited February 9 Answer ✓

    Hi @Wei X. #4919

    Internet censorship in China is controlled by the “Great Firewall of China” - it doesn’t matter which mobile carrier you use. Fizz does not control the “restriction.”

    “In China, the internet is controlled by the government. The Great Firewall regulates inbound and outbound Internet traffic between China and the rest of the world. Users are blocked from many popular websites and social networks, and some keywords are filtered from search engines.”

    ”Are VPNs legal in China?

    Yes, it is technically legal to use a VPN China. Even though China has severe restrictions on VPN usage and blocks many VPN providers, VPNs exist in a legal gray area. However, many consumers still use VPNs for internet access.

    Officially, the Chinese government has banned the use of VPNs not approved by the government: VPNs must provide the government backdoor access to be approved, which renders them unsecure.

    Chinese citizens found creating or selling unapproved VPNs have received fines and prison sentences anywhere from three days to more than five years, but these are applied inconsistently.”

    “What about visitors who bring VPNs for China? Right now, it looks like you can use VPN software while you’re visiting the country. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t run into any trouble if you have one. During random phone searches, the police may ask visitors to delete VPN apps on their phones. Some people entering the northwestern Xinjiang region have reported that authorities have installed surveillance apps on their phones.

    In short, using a VPN in China is technically legal, but users should exercise a basic level of caution.”

    Gmail and Facebook are blocked in China.

    “The Chinese government works hard to prevent the usage of VPNs, so don’t be surprised if one day you won’t be able to connect to your favorite server. In China, VPN traffic can be detected by the Great Firewall, which will block the server you’re connected to. China’s firewall is like a living organism — always evolving and searching for new ways to restrict the free internet.”





  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 10,362 ✭✭
    edited February 9

    Hi @Wei X. #4919

    If you buy a travel addon for China you will be able to use the data in China

    You should consider a plan B (if you are afraid to be blocked) using a VPN in your phone, in this way you can bypass any block if any, however, some banks block VPN

  • David D. 37191
    David D. 37191 Posts: 152 ✭✭

    For which countries there are not acces to?

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