Can we activate the 20GB data perk/gift from Fizz company with a 0GB data plan?

spritz Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in My Mobile

Fizz has given us 20GB of mobile data (as seen in My_Account > My_Benefizz > My_Rewards > My_Perks). Closest URL I can find is

My question: Do we need a data plan to activate that? For that matter, do we need anything at all to activate that?

Can we activate the 20GB mobile data gift/perk with 0GB data, no texts, no minutes, no voicemail, no international calls, one-province coverage ($5 monthly plan in BC).?


  • Oli 64JKA
    Oli 64JKA Posts: 6,998 ✭✭
    edited November 2024

    If you have the 20gb in your gift you can activate even if you doesnt have a plan with data. Yes even if you have a barebone plan you can activate it. But be aware that plans might not be the same price when you you will try to change back.

  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 9,941 ✭✭

    Hi @spritz

    Yes you can, the data perks from Fizz can be used in a plan without a data plan, like the one that you received when you open the plan.

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