OMA Client Provisioning

Fizzard Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited October 4 in My Mobile

Hi, I recently switched to Fizz and I keep getting request for OMA Client Provisioning. First time I see this type of request. Does this request come from Fizz? Is is safe to allow the update?

Best Answer

  • Oli 64JKA
    Oli 64JKA Posts: 6,573 ✭✭
    edited October 2 Answer ✓

    The notification to install the updates are sent by Fizz when you activate your first Fizz mobile plan.

    You install them to have access to the network. The APN settings will be installed from there.

    Also, you can send the configuration from your Fizz account as well by going to my plans> manage plan> Advanced parameters > Fizz network parameters> Send to my phone.

    Here you can see more details:

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