What is your satisfaction with fizz ?

New member and want to ear about you


  • BeakBird
    BeakBird Posts: 3,191 ✭✭

    Welcome to the forum.

    I have been with Fizz for 4 months and I am very satisfied.

    Good prices, good network, data rollover, data gifting, good rewards program and good support.

    It's hard to beat.

  • Bois_3ISKD
    Bois_3ISKD Posts: 2,224 ✭✭

    I am satisfied with Fizz, it's been about 2 years

  • G225 code IRSGE
    G225 code IRSGE Posts: 1,543 ✭✭

    Welcome here. I've also been new to Fizz for a little less than a month, and everything is going great.

  • Chroma
    Chroma Posts: 19 ✭✭

    So far so good!

  • swatt
    swatt Posts: 4,350 ✭✭

    Very happy for mobile and internet services since 3 years.

  • PALevesque
    PALevesque Posts: 2,444 ✭✭

    not the best not the worst. I have a good price cause i’ve been with them a while, but the prices now days really suck. I hope fizz fixes this and welcomes new members with good prices on their plans

  • Step_WYQMY
    Step_WYQMY Posts: 1,323 ✭✭

    85,85% satisfied! so enough to stay and be happy and.. not that much for Fizz to get better!!