How comment a post?

Ladybug Posts: 10 ✭✭
edited July 2024 in Welcome and join
Hi, I'm not new on Fizz but I need to answer on a forum to have a badge but every comments that I wrote et click "post" were no longer anywhere. So, how you do it?

Thank you a lot! You are so a great community!

Best Answer

  • elena code xzi4t
    elena code xzi4t Posts: 9,820 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Ladybug

    New users have a probation period of around 10 days, therefore your post are going to moderation and sometime will takes hours to see them


  • Kejinsan CODE VB5UM
    Kejinsan CODE VB5UM Posts: 7,851 ✭✭

    By looking at your profile you came to FIZZ on this July. Rest assure you have a 10 days of probation and after that you will have full access to the forum from sending to message and reply, and all instantly. Wait a week or so and you'll be good to go!

    Welcome to FIZZ ⚡️

    Best wishes 🤝

  • wenhan
    wenhan Posts: 1,438 ✭✭

    currently you need to wait for a mod to approve your message. once the probation period ends it'll appear immediately.

  • Step_WYQMY
    Step_WYQMY Posts: 2,035 ✭✭

    You are welcome @Ladybug

  • jvh_NVPF2
    jvh_NVPF2 Posts: 1,121 ✭✭

    New users are put in probation and their posts are held by moderation for review. It can last up to a week.

  • kaitokun
    kaitokun Posts: 1,489 ✭✭

    You're on a probation period. For me it lasted about a week. For now, all your posts have to be approved by the mods.

  • Mark123_2024
    Mark123_2024 Posts: 5,446 ✭✭

    You are in the probation period. All your messages are checked before being posted. In a few days you will be allowed to post instantly.

  • jay_tambourine
    jay_tambourine Posts: 7 ✭✭
    I think there should be a notification about the probation period. I feel kinda left in the dark not knowing why my comments aren't showing up, and having to learn about it on a forum post.
  • wenhan
    wenhan Posts: 1,438 ✭✭

    at the bottom left in tiny text when you post it will show post needs to be approved by mods. lasts like 5 sec before it disappears. i personally think the probation period is stupid. new users join the forum because they have problems and issues they want solved right away. making them wait for a mod to approve everything is literally counterproductive…

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