Whizz actions causing rule violation being blame on user

I just want to rant a bit.
I received a warning message in my inbox today saying I violated referral code posting rules by making more than 2 posts a day on May 13. The message basically feels very accusatory like I didn't bother to read or follow the rules properly.
Except that I did read the rules and I only make 2 posts each day. May 12 (Sunday) I submit two posts to the referral code thread. On May 13 (Monday), I make two posts in the same thread. Being a new user, my posts do not appear until a Whizz approves it. Looking at my post log, it shows 2 posts being made at 6:13 am followed by 2 posts at 11:03 am. It is apparent that Whizz don't work on Sundays and instead approves posts on Monday. So instead of my legitimate 2 posts a day following forum rules, I end up with 4 post in 1 day due to actions by Whizz. And now, I'm being reprimanded for something I didn't even do…
It's been several hours since I responded to their accusatory warning and yet no apologies or acknowledgement has been sent. As a new user, this leaves a very bad impression on me. As a mod, instead of being so gung ho about following your rules, maybe try and understand the particularities of your system and how it can create circumstances that cause violations of your rules on no fault of the user.
Hi @wenhan
For the message that it was on moderation, you will not have any further action, they know. Don't stress to much for it.
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I received warning messages from Fizz, but they were right about the violation of the rules.
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I'm not sure if you didn't read the post but in this case they were not right about the violation because the violation was not cause by me posting but by them. They didn't approve the post on the day it was submitted and instead waited for the next day to approve and have it appear. As a user, how can I know when the post is approved? All I can do is make sure each the posts I make are not on the same days. And now I'm being accused of not following the rules when I clearly followed it.
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I read your post clearly. I guess a lot of us received these kind of wornings at the beginning. In a few days you will lose the double checking and you will see your messages instantly. Don't take it too hard and try to stay between the rules. I am sure everything will be ok and you'll have a nice experience with Fizz.
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This is not even about receiving a warning. If I received a warning because I didn't follow the rules, I have no complaints. The violation in question came about when I followed the rules, but the action performed by Whizz caused it become a violation. What I'm upset about is now that same Whizz account accused of violating rules that I followed. How would you feel when someone accuses you of doing something you didn't do when they were the ones who actually caused the error in the first place?
As a human mod, you should take the discretion to check and understand how your system works before going about and accusing people of breaking rules. Up to now, I have received no acknowledgement or apology for getting a warning for something I did not do.
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I understand you being angry but you can use your energy doing something else more constructive between this time.
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I am highlighting an issue present in the current system so that there may be an adjustment for the future and hopefully others will not experience the same thing. Instead of telling me to be more constructive elsewhere maybe you can stop posting not useful comments.
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I'd make a joke saying that I deserve "the best answer" for my post.
Have a good day! 😆
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Yea... as new user myself, I have to be very careful of things like this as well. But oh well.
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It depends on what the publication is and where it was made, there are 2 places on the forum where you cannot publish more than times a day and that is the French section & English to publish our referral code
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So are you allowed to post twice in the French one and then post another 2 times on the english one?
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I know what the rules are. I followed the rules and submitted 2 comments on May 12 (Sunday) and May 13 (Monday). Whizz doesn't approve the May 12 posting till 6:13 am on May 13. Therefore, Whizz's actions caused more than 2 posts to appear for May 13 (2 were suppose to appear on May 12). They then go and send a warning accusing me of not following their rules when I did. This is clearly a flaw in their system/judgment as a Moderator that is affecting new users. The result is alienation of new users who they should be trying to retain.
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However per wenhan's point — they have been following the rules, but have received a warning which they should not have.
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Yea.. I see that. That's not right >.<
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Yes, we can post 2 times by a day on french section and 2 times on this one english
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Oh I understand I'm sorry and I wish you positivity (non-toxic though) for the future