Rewards (Loyalty) Program - Maximized upgrade at early levels

I was looking at the list of levels, rewards, and how it works with the link below; on Fizz's website.
What is the point of having multiple 2$ Internet upgrades if you can't use more than 3 at a time? If you reach level 10, you can have access to 6 upgrades valued 2$. However, you can't apply more than 3 at a time. It makes no sense. You already reach the maximum you can get at the level 6. Any further levels are pointless.
For the Mobile upgrade, it is a different story since you have variety in the choices (amount of MB or GB in extra vs 1$ rebate). However, you have the same problem at level 10 where the last upgrade is pointless since you have 4 upgrades valued 1$.
Best Answers
I think you are right, however if you have 2 home internet plan under the same account, you can put upgrades in both of them so you are not limited to only 3. I think in specific scenarios those discounts make sense
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You can have multiple mobile plan and I am pretty sure multiple internet plan (but I cannot confirm this)
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I searched in the options and it seems that you can indeed have more than 1 mobile/internet plan under the same account; I was not aware. It would make sense since you can have more than 1 address. Thus, it seems that it would be possible to use all the perks if you have more than 1 plan. I will not test it for obvious reason lol.
there is no point
in the past fizz was suppose to have the reward expire in 24 months, probably is the reason of these
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in level 5, you can have 3 slots to put perks
You have the possibility to choose witch one you want to put in the slots
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Fizz must review the reward system probably adding a slot an make higher bonuses and probably adding a 4th slot
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Hi @elena code xzi4t , thanks for your answer. It seems they did not adjust the system accordingly.
Hi @Pascal , as mentioned in the post, even if you have 3 slots to add perks, but there are 6 perks with the same 2$ value. For the internet upgrades (perk), they are almost all identical. Also, there are two perks valued 1$; one at level 1 and one at level 8. However, it does not make sense to give another 1$ perk at level 8 after giving more 2$ perks than the number of available slots.
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Have nothing to understand with this
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@FizzyFizz JQMPM I see your point. Previously, I tried to see if I could add additional Mobile plan under the same account. It does not seem that you can have multiple mobile or internet plans; maybe I am wrong. If you can't have multiple internet plans, then it would not be possible to use the remaining perks.
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Yes that’s a good point @FizzyFizz JQMPM
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I am not sure what you don't understand, maybe I did not explain myself properly. The maximum number of slots for internet is 3 (at the moment). The maximum of perk available (at level 10) for internet is 8; two valued 1$ and 6 valued 2$. Thus, you can't use all the perks.
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I am sure you can have multiple mobile plans and I'm quite confident someone here in the community asked something about multiple internet plans... I never tried myself but I think it's possible to have them. Only in that case this makes sense. I agree with you tho, the upgrade system should be revised... In my opinion the upgrades should be specific per plan
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Still I think Fizz should modify it in order to have, let's say 3 upgrades for plan, so if you have 2 similar plans you are gonna unlock 6 upgrades and so on...
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Agreed, it should be revised and upgrades should be specific per plan. However, you do increase level ''faster'' if you have all your plans under the same account since you accumulate points faster when bills are combined.
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Yeah that's true, however you cannot use the referral code when adding a plan, while if you open a new account you basically earn $50... There are some pros and cons for both approaches
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If you have multiple mobile plans you are better off to have multiple account and use the referral code to receive the 25$ with the today rewards
if you already have a mobile plan with 2 or 3 slots in the long run (12 months or so) your a better off to add the internet plan in the same account, since you will have the bonus of your level and the same slot on the mobile
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That is true, you get more through referall than the discounts combined (on a short time period). Besides, at the beginning of last year, the referall bonus was much higher. When I joined, I think it was either 50$ or 100$ per account instead of 25$.
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Yep! Getting a higher referral is quite cool! Unfortunately it doesn't happen that often
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I never understood why there was so many
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only 3 slots is not that great....
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Funny thst you ask the question i was thinking the exsct same thing.
They might insert a 4th slot??
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That would be nice but I don't think it will happen
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Give then another 5years and we might see it🤷♂️
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A 4th slot would actually be very cool! I still have to unlock my second though... 😅
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I hope it will not take 5 years... 😅
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We should try to be positive
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Yeah I agree! Maybe it will not come at all 😅... I'm joking
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Yeah let's be positive!
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I wish they add a 4th slot for the rewards
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This is what everyone wishes, but unfortunately I don't think Fizz will introduce it for now...
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Fizz, give us a 4th slot please! 😅
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Earn a slot every two levels we gain. That means level 10 we would have 5 slots!0
Fizz should give another slot each time we earn two levels of rewards.0
It won' happen, especially because you could apply to many discounts in the home internet plans… Fizz would loose too much money