When people phone my number they struggle to hear me
I moved to fizz and the data has been great. I mainly speak to people on WhatsApp and facetime so didn’t realise there was an issues until I had to have a couple of telephone calls and I was told that they couldn’t hear me very well. I have had a couple of other phone calls and people have said it’s like I have my hand over the microphone and they are missing every other word. Please let me know if anyone else is having this issue. I have an iPhone 13 so wasn’t sure if I need to change some settings.
Best Answer
Hi @rabreakell
Can you try the follow, since an iPhone has multiple microphone and probably the phone calls doesn't have the same usage as whatsapp
- remove the iPhone for the case
- Try to use a ear phone if you have
- Try to use the phone in speakerphone
- Try to reboot the phone
- Do you have a good mobile reception?
- Can you try the SIM in a different phone?
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