Mabrouk Abodrbala

mabrokly Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited December 2023 in My Mobile
is there a reduced price for the second line?

Best Answer

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,001 ✭✭
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @mabrokly

    Sorry the short answer is no, on my opinion you are better off having to different account, and use the referral code of the first account to activate the first plan on the second account. You need to have a second email for the second account.

    You can see from my graph, that you will have only 14$ in 25 months, activating a second account, you will get 50$ (25$ on each account) at the second payment.

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