Embark on a ride with the Fizz wheel, available online for 14 days only!

Spin this magic wheel where every spin is a guaranteed victory. It is automatically revealed as soon as you open the Forum page. Join us every day for the next 14 days to collect points and unlock badges.
Good luck!
Thanks Fizz. I got 100 pts!
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I also got 100 points.
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Seems I'm a bit unlucky, only got 50 points.
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love it. another great idea. good job Fizz.
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good. good. good. more points. more fun
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This is fun, thank you, Fizz!
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Well good idea, but in my case I don't need points anymore 🤣, as I have reached level 10 already.
@Whizz Maybe add some data gifts to the wheel.
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200 points! Thank you!
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That could be great that's true to have at least one gifts in the options!!
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100 points for me, thank you!
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+100 pts Merci!
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30 pts here
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Comment ca fonctionne ?
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Tu devrais voir la roue apparaiter automatiquement à un certain moment dans le forum (normalement en arrivant sur le forum comme mentionné plus haut). Ensuite tu vas pouvoir faire tourner et gagner les points sur lesquels la roue s'arrete
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Ok super Merci Bonne chance à toi
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10 pts next tome will be good
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J'ai eu 200 points yeah :D
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Oh yeah ! Only got 40.. I’ll be back tmrow!
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There is a problem with the wheel. It come back at each page refresh and you may spin it again. A whizz must check it.
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Indeed, @Whizz please take a look.
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I'm also getting the problem where the wheel reappears every time I go back to the main forum page, but I also never got any points, not even from my initial spin (which should've given me 30 according to the wheel). Is everyone else having this problem or did it actually work for some of you and gave the points as intended?
I'm so close to level 3 I can taste it, this would be a wonderful opportunity to finally get there!
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Yes, I'm having the same issue. Not sure if my initial spin points were credited.
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the wheel showed up twice in a row... not sure if the points are going to apply properly
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100 today, thanks!
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Pas pire ça permet d'avoir des nouveaux cadeaux un peu plus vite!
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Me also, did i get the first 100 or the second spin 50? 🤔1
200 points!😁1
Not working, points are never credited to account and I can spin weel forever!1
Not working1
By the time I created an account, the wheel disappeared and wouldn't come back again.1
By the time I created an account, the wheel disappeared and wouldn't come back again.2
Nice I got 200 pts didn’t even have to spam the forum2
Thanks, got 20 pts would be back again tomorrow2
By the time I logged in, the wheel disappeared...2
Oh yes I got 1002
Anything special you have to do to spin the wheel? It asked me to log in, I did, and now I can't see it anymore.1
100point!! thank you1
Nice ! Thanks !1
I don't know what these points are but keep em coming!1
got 100, thx. 1st post1
Nice 200pts!
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Did they disable the wheel because it was buggy? It didn’t give me the points yesterday and now it seems completely gone.
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I just spun it, but I didn't receive my points.
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Points from the wheel are going to your Forum account only and not to your main account, similar to Guru badges.
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I have to say that I'm disappointed.. Main account points would have been a nice gift judging it's black Friday and their 5 year anniversary, but forum points..😐️
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Well, that's unfortunate. Was hoping this would get me to level 2 😒
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50 pts! Thanks
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Same, I was really excited about getting that next level a month sooner than initially planned. Still the whole issue seems moot since the wheel doesn't seem to be working right now.
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Nice, 150 for starters.1
Aw man ok, that's disappointing that they're not account points but just forum points, it's hard enough to level up as it is.