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  • Code : 8CE6H
    Code : 8CE6H Posts: 9,346 ✭✭

    In the forest of precious wood, The whisper of the wind sings harmonious. Majestic trees reach towards the sky, Their bark tells ancestral stories.

    Under the benevolent shade of leaves, Silence falls and the heart marvels. Sunlight filters through the branches, Creating a dance of enchanting lights.

    Wild animals find refuge there, In this natural kingdom, they live in harmony. Wood, witness to the cycles of life, Offers warmth, shelter, and harmony.

    So, in this magical forest, Let us be carried away by its music. Breathe in the pure air, listen to the songs, Wood offers us a true enchantment.

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Still Here

    by Langston Hughes

     I been scared and battered.
    My hopes the wind done scattered.
     Snow has friz me,
     Sun has baked me,
    Looks like between 'em they done
     Tried to make me
    Stop laughin', stop lovin', stop livin'--
     But I don't care!
     I'm still here!
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Love and Friendship

    by Emily Brontë

     Love is like the wild rose-briar,
    Friendship like the holly-tree --
    The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
    But which will bloom most contantly?
    The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
    Its summer blossoms scent the air;
    Yet wait till winter comes again
    And who wil call the wild-briar fair?
    Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
    And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
    That when December blights thy brow
    He may still leave thy garland green.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    A Silly Poem

    by Spike Milligan

     Said Hamlet to Ophelia,
    I'll draw a sketch of thee,
    What kind of pencil shall I use?
    2B or not 2B?
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

    Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

    And sorry I could not travel both

    And be one traveler, long I stood

    And looked down one as far as I could

    To where it bent in the undergrowth;

    Then took the other, as just as fair,

    And having perhaps the better claim

    Because it was grassy and wanted wear,

    Though as for that the passing there

    Had worn them really about the same,

    And both that morning equally lay

    In leaves no step had trodden black.

    Oh, I kept the first for another day!

    Yet knowing how way leads on to way

    I doubted if I should ever come back.

    I shall be telling this with a sigh

    Somewhere ages and ages hence:

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

    I took the one less traveled by,

    And that has made all the difference.

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Before you knew you owned it

    by Alice Walker

     Expect nothing.
     Live frugally
    On surprise.
    become a stranger
    To need of pity
    Or, if compassion be freely
    Given out
    Take only enough
    Stop short of urge to plead
    Then purge away the need.
    Wish for nothing larger
    Than your own small heart
    Or greater than a star;
    Tame wild disappointment
    With caress unmoved and cold
    Make of it a parka
    For your soul.
    Discover the reason why
    So tiny human midget
    Exists at all
    So scared unwise
    But expect nothing.
     Live frugally
    On surprise
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Passing Time

    by Maya Angelou

    Your skin like dawn

    Mine like musk

    One paints the beginning

    of a certain end.

    The other, the end of a

    sure beginning.

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Her Anxiety

    by William Butler Yeats

     Earth in beauty dressed
    Awaits returning spring.
    All true love must die,
    Alter at the best
    Into some lesser thing.
    Prove that I lie.
    Such body lovers have,
    Such exacting breath,
    That they touch or sigh.
    Every touch they give,
    Love is nearer death.
    Prove that I lie.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    A young heart with an old soul

    by Tupac Shakur

    How can there be peace?

    How can I be in the depths of solitude

    When there are two inside of me?

    This duo in me causes the perfect opportunity

    To learn and live twice as fast

    As those who accept simplicity.

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Before Sleep

    by Catherine Anderson

     I was in love with anatomy
    the symmetry of my body
    poised for flight,
    the heights it would take
    over parents, lovers, a keen
    riding over truth and detail.
    I thought growing up would be
    this rising from everything
    old and earthly,
    not these faltering steps out the door
    every day, then back again.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    for a rainy day

    by D A Levy

    we tried to save
    pressed in books
    like flowers from
    a sun warmed day
    years later to
    open yellowing pages
    to find those same
    kisses - wilted and dry.
  • Code : 8CE6H
    Code : 8CE6H Posts: 9,346 ✭✭

    At the table, we gather and share, Moments of joy, love, and care. With laughter and stories, we fill the air, Creating memories that we'll always bear.

    Around the table, we find delight, Feasting on food, both day and night. From breakfast to dinner, it's a beautiful sight, A place where conversations take flight.

    The table is where friendships grow, Where secrets are shared, and feelings show. It's a symbol of togetherness, we all know, A place where hearts and souls truly glow.

    So let's cherish the moments we're able, Around the table, where memories are stable. For it's not just a piece of furniture, but a fable, A gathering place where love is always on the table.

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Forgotten Language

    by Shel Silverstein

     Once I spoke the language of the flowers,
    Once I understood each word the caterpillar said,
    Once I smiled in secret at the gossip of the starlings,
    And shared a conversation with the housefly
    in my bed.
    Once I heard and answered all the questions
    of the crickets,
    And joined the crying of each falling dying
    flake of snow,
    Once I spoke the language of the flowers.
    How did it go?
    How did it go?
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Love is more thicker than forget

    by Edward Estlin (E E) Cummings

    Love is more thicker than forget
    more thinner than recall
    more seldom than a wave is wet
    more frequent than to fail
    It's most mad and moonly
    and less it shall unbe
    than all the sea which only
    is deeper than the sea
    Love is more always than to win
    less never than alive
    less bigger than the least begin
    less litter than forgive
    It's most sane and sunly
    and more it cannot die
    than all the sky which only
    is higher than the sky
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    This Consciousness that is aware

    by Emily Dickinson

     This Consciousness that is aware
    Of Neighbors and the Sun
    Will be the one aware of Death
    And that itself alone
    Is traversing the interval
    Experience between
    And most profound experiment
    Appointed unto Men --
    How adequate unto itself
    Its properties shall be
    Itself unto itself and none
    Shall make discovery.
    Adventure most unto itself
    The Soul condemned to be --
    Attended by a single Hound
    Its own identity.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Fall leaves fall

    by Emily Brontë

     Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
    Lengthen night and shorten day;
    Every leaf speaks bliss to me
    Fluttering from the autumn tree.
    I shall smile when wreaths of snow
    Blossom where the rose should grow;
    I shall sing when night's decay
    Ushers in a drearier day.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    How happy I was if I could forget

    by Emily Dickinson

     How happy I was if I could forget
    To remember how sad I am
    Would be an easy adversity
    But the recollecting of Bloom
    Keeps making November difficult
    Till I who was almost bold
    Lose my way like a little Child
    And perish of the cold.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Beautiful City

    by Alfred Lord Tennyson

     Beautiful city
    Beautiful city, the centre and crater of European confusion,
    O you with your passionate shriek for the rights of an equal
    How often your Re-volution has proven but E-volution
    Roll’d again back on itself in the tides of a civic insanity!
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    The Crazy Woman

    by Gwendolyn Brooks

     I shall not sing a May song.
    A May song should be gay.
    I'll wait until November
    And sing a song of gray.
    I'll wait until November
    That is the time for me.
    I'll go out in the frosty dark
    And sing most terribly.
    And all the little people
    Will stare at me and say,
    "That is the Crazy Woman
    Who would not sing in May.

  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭


    by Ralph Waldo Emerson

    DAUGHTERS of Time the hypocritic Days  
    Muffled and dumb like barefoot dervishes  
    And marching single in an endless file  
    Bring diadems and fagots in their hands.
    To each they offer gifts after his will 5 
    Bread kingdoms stars and sky that holds them all.
    I in my pleach¨¨d garden watched the pomp  
    Forgot my morning wishes hastily 
    Took a few herbs and apples and the Day 
    Turned and departed silent.
     I too late 10 
    Under her solemn fillet saw the scorn.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Counting Small-boned Bodies

    by Robert Bly

    Let's count the bodies over again.
    If we could only make the bodies smaller 
    The size of skulls 
    We could make a whole plain white with skulls in the moonlight!
    If we could only make the bodies smaller 
    Maybe we could get
    A whole year's kill in front of us on a desk!
    If we could only make the bodies smaller 
    We could fit
    A body into a finger-ring for a keepsake forever.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭


    by Billy Collins

     Smokey the Bear heads
    into the autumn woods
    with a red can of gasoline
    and a box of wooden matches.
    His ranger's hat is cocked
    at a disturbing angle.
    His brown fur gleams
    under the high sun
    as his paws, the size
    of catcher's mitts,
    crackle into the distance.
    He is sick of dispensing
    warnings to the careless,
    the half-wit camper,
    the dumbbell hiker.
    He is going to show them
    how a professional does it.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    You Came, Too

    by Nikki Giovanni

    You Came, Too
    I came to the crowd seeking friends  
    I came to the crowd seeking love  
    I came to the crowd for understanding    
    I found you    
    I came to the crowd to weep  
    I came to the crowd to laugh    
    You dried my tears  
    You shared my happiness    
    I went from the crowd seeking you  
    I went from the crowd seeking me  
    I went from the crowd forever    
    You came, too
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭


    by Billy Collins

     Smokey the Bear heads
    into the autumn woods
    with a red can of gasoline
    and a box of wooden matches.
    His ranger's hat is cocked
    at a disturbing angle.
    His brown fur gleams
    under the high sun
    as his paws, the size
    of catcher's mitts,
    crackle into the distance.
    He is sick of dispensing
    warnings to the careless,
    the half-wit camper,
    the dumbbell hiker.
    He is going to show them
    how a professional does it.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭


    by Maya Angelou

    Your hands easy
    weight, teasing the bees
    hived in my hair, your smile at the
    slope of my cheek.
     On the
    occasion, you press
    above me, glowing, spouting
    readiness, mystery rapes
    my reason
    When you have withdrawn
    your self and the magic, when
    only the smell of your
    love lingers between
    my breasts, then, only
    then, can I greedily consume
    your presence.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭


    by Thomas Hood

     No sun - no moon! 
    No morn - no noon - 
    No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day.
    No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, 
    No comfortable feel in any member - 
    No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, 
    No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! - 
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    The Old Men Used to Sing

    by Alice Walker

    The old men used to sing
    And lifted a brother
    Out the door
    I used to think they
    Were born
    Knowing how to
    Gently swing
    A casket
    They shuffled softly
    Eyes dry
    More awkward
    With the flowers
    Than with the widow
    After they'd put the
    Body in
    And stood around waiting
    In their
    Brown suits.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Under the Harvest Moon

    by Carl Sandburg

     Under the harvest moon,
    When the soft silver
    Drips shimmering
    Over the garden nights,
    Death, the gray mocker,
    Comes and whispers to you
    As a beautiful friend
    Who remembers.
     Under the summer roses
    When the flagrant crimson
    Lurks in the dusk
    Of the wild red leaves,
    Love, with little hands,
    Comes and touches you
    With a thousand memories,
    And asks you
    Beautiful, unanswerable questions.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    The New Dog

    by Linda Pastan

     Into the gravity of my life,
    the serious ceremonies
    of polish and paper
    and pen, has come
    this manic animal
    whose innocent disruptions
    make nonsense
    of my old simplicities--
    as if I needed him
    to prove again that after
    all the careful planning,
    anything can happen.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    The Street

    by Octavio Paz

    It’s a long and silent street.
    I walk in the dark and trip and fall
    and get up and step blindly
    on the mute stones and dry leaves
    and someone behind me is also walking:
    if I stop, he stops;
    if I run,, he runs. I turn around: no one.
    Everything is black, there is no exit,
    and I turn and turn corners
    that always lead to the street
    where no one waits for me, no one follows,
    where I follow a man who trips
    and gets up and says when he sees me: no one.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Mrs Moon

    by Roger Mcgough

     Mrs Moon
    sitting up in the sky
    little old lady
    with a ball of fading light
    and silvery needles
    knitting the night
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    We Real Cool

    by Gwendolyn Brooks

     We real cool.
    Left School.
    Lurk late.
    Strike straight.
    Sing sin.
    Thin gin.
    Jazz June.
    Die soon.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Autumn Valentine

    by Dorothy Parker

     In May my heart was breaking-
    Oh, wide the wound, and deep!
    And bitter it beat at waking,
    And sore it split in sleep.
    And when it came November,
    I sought my heart, and sighed,
    "Poor thing, do you remember?"
    "What heart was that?" it cried.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    He took a few cups of love

    by Muhammad Ali

    He took a few cups of love.
    He took one tablespoon of patience,
    One teaspoon of generosity,
    One pint of kindness.
    He took one quart of laughter,
    One pinch of concern.
    And then, he mixed willingness with happiness.
    He added lots of faith,
    And he stirred it up well.
    Then he spread it over a span of a lifetime,
    And he served it to each and every deserving person he met.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭

    Can You See the Pride in the Panther

    by Tupac Shakur

    Can You See the Pride In the Panther
    As he grows in splendor and grace
    Topling obstacles placed in the way,
    of the progression of his race.
    Can You See the Pride In the Panther
    as she nurtures her young all alone
    The seed must grow regardless
    of the fact that it is planted in stone.
    Can You See the Pride In the Panthers
    as they unify as one.
    The flower blooms with brilliance,
    and outshines the rays of the sun.
  • jiyingss
    jiyingss Posts: 1,185 ✭✭


    by Richard Brautigan

     The petals of the vagina unfold
    like Christofer Columbus
    taking off his shoes.
    Is there anything more beautiful
    than the bow of a ship
    touching a new world?

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