24hr Unlimited Data Perk did not work

Hello everyone!
I just applied the 24hr unlimited data perk to my account but my profile still shows the remaining GBs of data that I have on my actual account, not "Unlimited". does this mean that the perk did not work?
many thanks
You have an entry with 0Gb and you are suppose to use that which will not intact your data
you can see on the detail of the data
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See the image
- Go to My Plans in your Fizz account.
- Under the plan you wish to view (if you have more than one) click on See usage.
- This will open the Usage screen, which lists all your gifts, Add-Ons, Rollovers, etc. The blue arrow will tell you which data bucket you are currently using. On the right hand side you can see how many days are left for your gifted data.
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use a little and you if you give decreases, if it decreases contact support several have problems
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Contact fizz on Messenger. You will have a good service !
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@Jess_i88b6 thank you this makes sense.
But still my usage shows that I have no perks activated, even though I just activated it and my perks sections says that its "in use"
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@Jess_i88b6 on the second read of your message, it should say 0MB, but it is assumed that I can use the unlimited data. This will not impact the rest of my data, correct?
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It should not, however several users reported that it was consuming their data. Just time to time check it out 😁.