Data gift

My code is ... RZO2U
Sorry I m french but will try to ask a few data if you had over...
I had 1gb/month
Dont work since the pandemy,dont received any rent an live simply
Godbless you
Hi @Angelina
Sorry but I don't have any at this moment, I would like to suggest, if you are on Facebook, to try to post your request in these groups.
PS: I have already seen people asking for data without having a data option. Please note that you must have a plan that includes data in order to receive data as a gift.
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Sent you some data.
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Sorry I can't donate data anymore...
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Sent you 2GB... Shame on you if you're lying. Have a good day!
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Thank s all Angels around
I will be ok with your gifts
Be safe
Dont drive bike or walk with your eyes on the phone
Life is precious and the world is beautiful alive 🕆😇🕊
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Good job guys.... sorry but I didn't know if English or French was more appropriate by looking at the conversation 😅
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@Andrei_ref_R7VK1 encore un don! Tu es mon meilleur!