Activating a new reward

I am trying to switch one of my reward from the 250 MB data to $1 discount, but the interface shows me another 250 MB reward and tells me that it will be activated at my next payment cycle.
So I missed something, and if I need to wait for the next payment cycle at every misclick... Can someone tell me how can I change my activated reward?
Best Answer
when you click on the 1$, the slots will start to shake (vibrate) . You then have to select the slot with the 250 Mo that you want yo replace. The change will take place at the beginning of the next cycle.
Remember, you have to switch the perks directly.
DO NOT WITHDRAW the perk in place first, and then replace it with the new one because you will lose 1 month with an empty slot.
- Log into your account, and go to Overview.
- In the left column, click on the summary that shows your My Rewards level. You can also scroll down below your usage summary to My Rewards and click on See details.
- Open the tab in the lower right-hand corner.
- Select the upgrade and click on Apply.
- At that moment, you’ll see the white boxes below your plan start to move. Those are the slots where your upgrade can be applied.
- The slots with a + sign are ready to welcome your upgrade.
- If you select a slot where there’s already another upgrade, we’ll ask you to confirm the swap. If you accept, the new upgrade will be applied to your plan come your next payment cycle.
- Some slots are locked and cannot welcome an upgrade yet. You’ll unlock these slots when you reach higher My Rewards levels
- Your upgrade will be activated on your plan at the start of your next payment cycle.
- Select the slot by clicking on it.
The perks
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You have to click the one you want to add among those available, and then the system will ask you which one you want to replace. Whatever substitution you do, it will be active starting from the next billing cycle
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Oh that's what the shaking means!! Thanks, I was not understanding that.
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You’re welcome!
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Yeah that's right! The ones you can replace will shake... It's not very intuitive actually.. I give you that
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Exactly, a lot of users don't know it and they make the mistake of withdrawing instead of switching...
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It's not very well explained honestly...
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Is it explained at all?
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Probably not... You are right!