New to Fizz, what is your experience with it?

What is your experience with Fizz? Do you like it?
Best Answers
Hi @Easygolucky
So far, my experience with Fizz has been good. Here are some of the things I like:
- The price
- The ability to adjust my plan every month
- Coverage in the USA
- Data that is valid for 90 days
- Gifting
- Perks (I've already received 5GB)
- Referral bonuses 25$ , and more
One downside is that customer support is entirely online, which could be seen as a negative. Think if you have only a residential internet and you have a problem, and you don't have data in your mobile.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
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chuit with them 2 and a half for internet and 4 months mobile
prices 45$ for 50go christmas promo
know great
points bonus discounts just $6 for internet and $3 mobile
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Thank you for sharing!!
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Mostly yes but just like Jessy said, CS is not very good and I would add that there’s a lack of transparency too…
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I like to disagree, the biggest problem with the CS is the lack of tools that are offer to the agent by Fizz, they can only point to the guide, or open a ticket to escalate the problem to the next level.
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Referrals can go as high as 100$ sometimes
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Good to know!!
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I've only mobile and it's great! You can customize your plan and the more you stay and put some effort the more perks and bonuses you earn!
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I'm a huge fan since 2019. Three cell phones + internet 200 mbps. I have converted also 4 relatives to Fizz.
The only complaints are from people that do not understand it's an online service with no access to a call center, and needs supports for everything like changing a SIM card or turning on their phone ...
If you are autonomous and a little tech savvy, it's a really good provider.
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I love it.
Been with Fizz for about 1.5 years (mobile and home internet).
I transferred my gf to it for mobile and our daughter's first cell service is on Fizz too.
We love the data sharing, as I have lots of it and I give some to my family from time to time.
Thank you!!
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What I meant by lack of transparency has nothing to do with the CS, it’s more like the way the points system is handle for instance…
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I agree, the point system is a black box.
The CS system is not very good (we agree). I thought you were referring to the agents.
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No not at all, I’m sure they do their best with the tools they are provided with…
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Thank you all for your feedback!! I learned a lot :)
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Looks like you found the button at least here to accept the answer
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I was able to pick which comments answered my questions but can not figure out how to pick best answer. Any advice?
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@Easygolucky it was that, only the first one that you pick it will have the 50 pts. If you select multiple one, all will be best answers
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Oh ok awesome!! Thank you
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So did you get the 50 points?
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No I didn’t!! 😂
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Ok awesome! Good to know, thank you!
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Very informative. Thanks
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I heard that’s mostly only around Christmas though :/
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Very good experience, thanks
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Good to know :)
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Thank you for sharing :)
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most likely
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Very pleased. So far, so good.
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All in all, pretty satisfied too
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Awesome!! Thanks for sharing
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Thanks for letting me know :)
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It has been very good and reliable for me! Only customer service is a bit slow to solve issues, but they are surely understaffed as in many other companies...
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Yes, and the problems with the ice storm won't help
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on my fizz competitors they also have breakdowns
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I don’t understand, what do you mean?
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Pretty satisfied! No problem with the WIFI or the cellular data. Data roll-over is pretty nice!
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That's crazy
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We in the same boat here brother
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I think he meant that also FIzz's competitor had issues with the freezing rain
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Data rollover is great! Not many carrier offer it
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Yeah, makes sense
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yes yes many people said I'm going to change internet provider they all experienced the same thing as fizz
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Ok thanks for the clarification Sebastien, now I get it!
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I have a great experience so far. New joiners since December 2022.
Pros for me:
- Flexibility to manage my plan
- Data Roll over feature which is soooo nice
- Cheap plans
- Affortable plans with US
To be improve by Fizz
- Ease to connect with Fizz customer service
Overall compared to other telecom company I’m pretty satisfied
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Totally 👍 agree
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Yep, me too!
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Yeah really good points!
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So cool! :)