
Nogard Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited January 2023 in Your Fizz Account


If I already have an account with Fizz for my Internet, can I get the referral bonus (100$) if I add a Mobile to my account? Do I have to put my own referral code?


Best Answer

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,280 ✭✭
    edited January 2023 Answer ✓

    Hi @Nogard

    Non, the referral is given for the first plan activate in an account, also if you open an account with a plan, you close it, create a new plan, this doesn't give you the possibility to use a referral code.

    You need to open a new account with a different email, in order to be able to create a plan with a referral code


  • Nogard
    Nogard Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Ok, thanks a lot!

  • CJ Ref Code B43SA
    CJ Ref Code B43SA Posts: 316 ✭✭

    If you don't mind juggling two accounts, you can indeed create a completely new second account with the new activation, and that's where you'll be able to use and benefit from the referral code.

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