Refferal code field bug.

I wanted to add my son's referal code when I subscribed but your website bugged: I went forward then back and the field for the refferal code disapeared. I continued anyway thinking it would apply it but it did not.
It was yesterday and I directly contacted support.
Your service representative made me wait 40 minutes to answer me he cant do anything when your company is responsible for the mistake for having a buggy website?
The refferal code of my son is: AGFLD , please don't try to scam me: I decided to subscribe because there is a refferal deal
Also, why are you adding a french support when the guy doesnt speak french and just tries to google translate stuff?
Hi @Claudeb10
Sorry to hear about your experience, but here we are users :(
If you didn't transfer the phone number and you don't care to lose it.
You can always close the plan, open a new account (with different email) and re-register a plan.
The SIM can be reused
Yes you have 15 days trial period
Issuing you a refund is an essential component our trial period. The trial period is 15 days. (This excludes customers who have an approved Proof of disability form; the trial period is 30 days).
Trial period refunds apply only to your monthly fees. Additional expenses such as Add-Ons, Travel Add-Ons and usage purchased with your Wallet will not be refunded.
To receive this refund you must not have exceeded:
The trial period: 15 days for everyone, with the exception of customers living with a disability (who have completed the disability form)
50% of the data included in your monthly plan (unless you have an approved Proof of disability form)
To close your plan during the trial period, use the same process detailed above (with or without keeping your phone number). If you meet the above criteria, your cancellation request will be activated immediately — you won’t have to wait until the end of your payment cycle and your refund will occur automatically.