lost credit card

I am waiting for a replacement credit card and received a warning email that i have 24 hours to pay or be disconnected. No other option to pay than entering a credit card number that i dont have?!
Best Answer
Hi, to pay for your Fizz plans, you can use:
- A Visa or Mastercard credit card
- A prepaid Visa or Mastercard
- A Debit Mastercard or Visa Debit card
Only one-off payments are accepted with Vanilla prepaid cards
You CANNOT use:
- American Express (Amex), Dinners and others credit cards
- A debit card
- A foreign credit/debit card
- Funds from your Fizz Wallet
In your case if you don't have another card, maybe the prepaid Vanilla card could help you out.
Alternatively, you can ask a family member or very close friend to help you out for the next payment cycle. Good luck!
Salut @Samdude
Désolé, mais Fizz c'est un service prépayé, Fizz ne fait pas de crédit :(
Vous devez demander à un ami ou à une personne de votre famille, de vous prêter la carte de crédit, ou utiliser un carte prépayé (attention seulement certain carte de crédti prépayé sont accepté), il semble que KoHo est accepté. Voici comme procedere, https://fizz.ca/fr/faq/comment-mettre-a-jour-mon-mode-de-paiement-ou-ma-carte-de-credit
Désolé encore
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