I want to install internet at home

i want to confirm that you are providing internet services in my area
**** Du parc avenue ******
Best Answer
Hi, you are on a public forum and we are subscribers. It is better not to put personal information. At Fizz, everything is done online: subscription, transactions and support.
To check if this is possible at your address, go to the Fiz homepage.
Click on "Internet packages", then at the bottom of the page, choose a package and click on "Next".
You will see the Add a new address section, you will see if Fizz offers the service in your area.
However, if it is not possible, Fizz recommends contacting customer service who can do further research and give you the best information about it. Go to this page: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/resolving-issues
and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble with a question mark, to your right, click on it and then another click. You can chat with support. At the same time, ask to remove your personal information from this post.