Trying to reschedule appointment, user interface frozen

Hi there. I'm trying to reschedule my appointment but have been experiencing weird user interface issues on I tried both Firefox and Chrome but no luck.
Here's the workflow I'm following:
- Go to my notifications (bell icon in the top right)
- Click the button titled "See my appointments" in my appointment confirmation notification
- Click the "Reschedule" button
- End up on the rescheduling interface, where a green progress indicator spins forever under a link titled "Choose another date"
- Click the link, which pops up the date picker, where I can select a date, with no visible effect besides closing the date picker again
- Below this, fill in my phone number, which changes the "Save" button at the bottom from gray to green
- Click the Save button, which changes it back from green to gray, but nothing else ever happens
- Return to my appointments to find that the appointment time has not changed
Anyone experienced this before? Is there a workaround?
Thanks in advance
Best Answer
Nevermind, I discovered a slightly different pathway through the user interface that works. If you hit the "Cancel" button instead of "Reschedule" on the Appointments page, it will prompt you again whether you want to reschedule or unsubscribe. Selecting reschedule here brought me back to the rescheduling interface, where the progress indicator eventually resolved to a sliding date picker that was not visible before, and which worked for rescheduling my appointment. No idea if the different pathway is a red herring, but worth a shot if anyone else is experiencing this problem.