Internet lag, new promotion

After being with Videotron for 10+ years, switched to Fizz Internet 120mbps at $53. Because same speed at Videotron costs $65 + modem rental.
Recently, I'm experiencing so much lag during webex call, streaming Netflix Amzon Prime, only one screen the house.
I was looking at higher bandwidth plans, Videotron definitely is out of the picture because of their price with modem rental. Fizz, $65 for 200mbps is not a good choice for speed and price match compared to Videotron and Bell.
A friend of mine switch to Bell, had a Bell representative show up at his door for Gigabit 1.5Gbps Internet Offer for $50/month ($88 - $38 credit, 24 months), modem (next gen 6E router) rental $0.00 ($199.99 - $199.99 credit). This promotion is also available at Bell website for $60/month ($88 - $28).
Wondering if Fizz will have promotion and increase speed offer for holiday deals? Is Fizz (Videotron) looking at what competitors offering at same price point?
Because if Bell provides speed 1Gbps on 1.5gbps at $60; its kind of unbeatable. Plus I was thinking of buying a Wifi 6e router, wont have to since Bell is providing next gen router.
Best Answer
That's definitely a good deal!
Fizz is more for those penny pinchers who dont need blazing speed.
I would also suggest to disable band steering on your router, and to connect your TV to the 2.4Ghz if it's in a separate room. 5Ghz if router (Fizz) is in the same room.
My Wi-Fi network is cutting out. How do I fix it? | Fizz
This change can also be applied through the Wi-Fi modem user interface:
1. Log in at: from the web browser of any device.
2. Log in using the following information:
Username: cusadmin
Password: xxxxxxxx (Password you chose during initial setup)
3. Go to the next section to apply changes:
Wireless → General Settings → 5GHz → Band Steering (Disable)
Hi, normally such a high speed is not needed for VoIP devices and streaming only. But it can also happen if you have too many devices connected to your wifi compared to your speed.
You should check the speed that can best suit your needs.