New Sim cards

My wife received an email about changing her SIM card. I didn’t get mines. How about everyone else?
Best Answer
There's no rush at the moment to replace your SIM card because the new VoLTE feature that it supports is yet to be fully implemented by Fizz.
If your SIM card already has the red lightning bolt printed on it, there is no need to replace it.
Do know that Fizz is replacing the older SIM cards in batches. Here is what Fizz says...
- Any member who orders a SIM card today is ok. Their SIM card is already compatible with VoLTE.
- Same applies for a Fizz SIM card that was ordered after the month of September 2021.
For the other mobile members who currently have a 3G SIM card, Fizz will make sure that each of them gets a FREE VoLTE compatible SIM card.
- Each of these members will receive an invitation to order their free SIM card. This process will take place over several weeks, so don’t worry if you’re not part of the first batch.
- Once ordered, your new SIM card will arrive by regular mail within two weeks, along with the instructions to associate it with your Fizz mobile plan. Changing your SIM card for a VoLTE compatible one will not impact your plan or phone number.
- Good to know: To see the confirmation of your SIM card order, go under My parameters > Transaction history > All transactions.
Changing your SIM card for a VoLTE compatible one will not impact your plan or phone number.
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If you need to contact Fizz customer service, you can do so by opening this link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, then click on it to start your chat session with Fizz customer service.
You can also do it on Facebook:
-By private message on Twitter :
-Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814
It's in different batch. Just wait and you'll receive the e-mail as well. No worry.