Hi what my PIN number?

Can you help me - what is my PIN NUMBER?
Best Answer
Hi @Denis S. 29710 ,
Do you mean pin number for your voicemail? Or something else?
If it is the voicemail: How do I set up my voicemail? | Fizz
Choose an access code (PIN)
When you activate your voicemail, an access code (PIN) will be sent to you via text message. This code is not required the first time you access your voicemail, but the system will ask you whether you’d like to personalize it. We recommend you do for security reasons. Make sure to choose a PIN you’ll remember easily, all the while keeping in mind that unsafe combinations such as 1234 or 8888 will be rejected.
Know that you can change your NIP directly via your voicemail, or online from your Fizz account (Under: My Plans > Manage My Plan > Advanced Settings > PIN to Access Your Voicemail).