Travelling around the World and understanding Fizz’s capabilities

pymo Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited September 2022 in My Mobile

I am soon to leave for a ~2 years trip around the world (not USA) and i would like to be able to receive calls to my current phone number, and ideally, also make calls from my current phone number. Receiving SMS is also a must; sending would be a bonus.

1) Do i understand rightly that this is not possible with Fizz?

2) Data is possible by buying add-ons for zones… has anyone seen a map of the zones? (I think i read you have to be in a sone to see what’s in it, but one hasn’t bought any add-on yet… how can one see anything?

3) As a last option, is it viable to have a voice plan, only with a voicemail, so i can call from a different country provider (with their sim), or even using Skype and take voice messages? Is there a maximum or auto-delete-after-x-days VM with Fizz voicemail?

Thank you!

Not a Fizz sim owner yet… assessing the product’s viability for my needs.


Best Answers

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,167 ✭✭
    Answer ✓


    You get it (1), you cannot use your Fizz service for voice outside Canada and USA, you can receive SMS for free

    2) I never saw a map, I found these zones, Zone Europe, Zone: Latin America, Zone: USA, Zone: Asia/Oceania

    3) Right know the site is in maintenance mode, if I remember correctly 15 message 30 days

    I believe that you should look for some voip service, such as textnow, Fongo for example

  • Alexsolo
    Alexsolo Posts: 729 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You would have to check which Zones your destination countries are in.

    International Roaming Options | Travel | Fizz

    "Each Travel Add-On applies to a zone — and there are several countries in each zone. For example, if you’re visiting France, there’s nothing stopping you from a frolic in Belgium or Spain... you’re covered."

    Search for a country:

    Click on Learn more about this zone:

    An add on bought for the zone : Europe, in which France is included, also includes these countries:

    You can select to add funds to your wallet and pay-as-you-go:

    No overage charges, once the funds run dry, the service simply stops working.


  • pymo
    pymo Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Much appreciated, Jessy! And thanks for the suggestion of VoIP. Have a great weekend!

  • pymo
    pymo Posts: 4 ✭✭

    looked at both options (Fongo and TextNow) and they don’t seem to be a solution for calling from any countries to any countries (well, most of them, anyway).

    Textnow does not allow me to buy a SIM card (they ship only within the USA). Fongo, seems to be a solution for Canada only (Non-Canadians have a world version to be used in Canada).

    Any other suggestion anyone?

  • Alexsolo
    Alexsolo Posts: 729 ✭✭

    Fongo app gives you a phone number (Canada) that you can use to make international calls.

    It uses the internet, so if you get a cheap data plan in your country of destination + use free wifi to make calls that would work fine.

    Then for texting, social medias, etc... because with Fizz it's per country.

    Are you visiting multiple locations?

  • pymo
    pymo Posts: 4 ✭✭

    Yes! Likely 20-30 countries over 2 years.

  • M T. #12340
    M T. #12340 Posts: 769 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Assuming that you'll be using Fizz data add on , for Calls one of the possible solution would be using service provider. You would need a sip client (or softphone) to use VOIP. SIPNETIC is a free and no add ( yes no add ) softphone that is available only on Android. Linphone app would be an alternative on Iphone. also offers sms. Howerver they do not support short code sms .

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