Expected delivery time for new VoLTE SIM card

I have received a courtesy email from Fizz telling me to order a complimentary update SIM card for the pending VoLTE network change. So I went ahead to make my order on August 23. Until now I have not yet received it by regular mail, while my husband, who is also a Fizz mobile user, has also received his.
It seems that the normal expected delivery time would be two weeks, while it has been a month for me. So I wonder if I can do anything about it.
Best Answer
Hi, the delivery times for the new SIM card - VoLte offered free of charge by Fizz are longer than expected. But since the VoLte service is not yet active, this is not urgent.
Check in your account at Settings/Transaction history/all transactions, you can see a $0.00 invoice that confirms that your order has been placed. We have to wait a little longer.
It was was expected to be within 2 weeks, but unfortunately it's not.