Fizz modem/router when in bridge more does NOT work with my existing wireless router

Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited September 2022 in Internet


These instructions do NOT correspond to the web access to the Fizz box.

  • Open an Internet browser and enter in the address bar.
    • Identify yourself using the following login information:Username: cusadmin
    • Password: **enter your Wi-Fi password**
  • Select General
  • Select Gateway
  • Disable the option ''Residential Gateway function''

However, I found the "Residential Gateway function" and disabled it then did a save and then I think a restart or reset of the modem.

A direct computer connection to the Fizz modem/router in bridge mode works. However, when I jack in my existing wireless router to one of the ports on the Foxx box it does NOT work.

Please help.

Best Answer

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Okay, I did some more research. Apparently you can take your new router and give it the same wireless SSID and password as the old one and all of your wireless devices should work. So I am going to hardware reset the Fizz device and try that. I am tired of the fight to get bridge mode working so I am going to see what happens. As long as the wireless streaming video works with the new Fizz modem/router I will be fine.


  • PF_Ref_D2U9A
    PF_Ref_D2U9A Posts: 7,047 ✭✭


    If you reset the modem back to factory settings, it is no longer in bridge mode,

    In this case, if you want to use your own router, you will need to redo the instructions to put the modem in bridge mode. Logon the modem page and disable the "Residential Gateway function". Once this is done, unplug and restart all your devices including your router.

    If the problem continues, you can contact Fizz customer service by opening this link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, then click on it to start your chat session with Fizz customer service.

    They will surely be able to help you.

    You can also do it on Facebook:

    -By private message on Twitter :

    -Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814

  • Mamie
    Mamie Posts: 1,784 ✭✭

    And to complete the information, perhaps redo a reset of your own router.

    There may also be a conflict between the two IP addresses, which may solve the problem by resetting your router.

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    I am not explicitly saying that I reset the modem. After hunting around for the "Residential Gateway function" option I disabled it. Then I was prompted for a "Save" and then after that I was prompted for something else that looked like a "second save" (or whatever) and I selected that also.

    Why are the instructions for going into bridge mode out of date for the latest Fizz cable modem/router? Why? Why should I be confused when I want to do something so basic?

    When I sniff for wireless networks with my cell phone I do not see Fizz anything. So I am pretty sure it is in bridge mode. I will double check if I have to.

    I cannot get Internet on the far side of my existing wireless router. I want to keep that router because all is good and I don't want to have to redo all of my wireless connections to my Amazon Echo, laptop, computers, etc.

    Thank you.

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭

    When you say "reset" do you just mean power it down and then power it up? I have done that a few times. I am not inclined to log into my old wireless router because I assume that is not necessary. Please advise.

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭

    More information. My previous setup was a DSL modem in bridge mode connected to my wireless router. So, presumably the Fizz modem/router in bridge mode should also work. Unless it is low-level stuff and for that I would need technical support.

  • PF_Ref_D2U9A
    PF_Ref_D2U9A Posts: 7,047 ✭✭
    edited September 2022


    Try this - If your computer can connect directly to the Fizz modem/router and you are able to access the page on your internet browser, then the Fizz modem is NOT in bridge mode.

    The instructions from Fizz are up to date -

    With the Fizz modem in bridge mode, you need to unplug and restart all the devices (including the modem and router) for them to be able to access the internet. However, you do not need to factory reset your wireless router at all.

  • Mamie
    Mamie Posts: 1,784 ✭✭

    Restart by disconnecting the rear cable, wait until the LED lights are off, then reconnect the power cable. Wait 3-4 minutes for everything to work. I did these manipulations myself with a Linksys router and everything went well.

    Reset using a pointed object and pressing the 'reset' function behind the modem for 15-20 minutes. This is not the best solution for you since you want to keep all your network settings. There remains the solution proposed by our subscriber above. I hope they can help you.

    We are subscribers to the forum.

  • EricPD
    EricPD Posts: 181 ✭✭

    Traditionally, when changing the devices connected to the cable modem, a reboot of the modem is required, otherwise the new device won’t get an ip. The modem remember the first MAC address it saw after last reboot and won’t let any other MAC address to get an IP until next reboot

    Also, your router should be configured with dhcp client on wan (internet) interface, not pppoe like most dsl setups.

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Hello, thank you and everyone for helping.

    I can't access indicating that the Fizz modem/router is in bridge mode. I am going to retry unplugging and restarting my devices. At the limit I may completely reset the Fizz modem/router and start from scratch.

    With respect to the instructions after logging into the Fizz modem/router there are no "General" and "Gateway" selections at all. I had to hunt around in the interface and find the "Residential Gateway function" option and disable it.

    What that means is that the Fizz modem/router has new firmware with a totally different interface. It might even have a different logic board and a different chipset. And that means that there is uncertainty. With a totally different interface there may be other options that I have to change. I am not sure if you are a volunteer or if you work for Fizz Internet. If you work for them then I request that someone try putting this new-firmware modem/router in bridge mode and test it and update the instructions. It's not inconceivable that the new firmware requires new settings to put the device in "fully functional bridge mode."

  • PF_Ref_D2U9A
    PF_Ref_D2U9A Posts: 7,047 ✭✭

    Here on the forum, we are customers like you.

    It may well be that the modem has updated firmware. As far as I know, all Fizz home internet customers are using the same hardware, the Coda4680 modem from Hitron.

    EricPD has given useful information above. I think you will be able to resolve this situation soon. Let us know!

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Thanks for that information. I am clueless when it comes to low-level configuring of an Internet connection but I do know computers quite well. Interesting that you mention about changing a setting on my own wireless router and I may try that. I am operating under the assumption that if I use the Fizz modem/router for my wifi I will have to reconfigure all of my wifi devices. I don't want to do that because I have a perfectly good AC wifi router and it handles video bandwidth without any problems.

    Anyway, I am taking a break and will investigate more tomorrow.

  • Olic
    Olic Posts: 822 ✭✭

    DHCP will only give an IP address to the first MAC it sees. So, you would have to reset the modem and make sure that only the router is connected to the modem.

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Thank you. I can build a computer and know how all of the guts work. But on the Internet plumbing side, I will take all of the help I can get!

  • Mamie
    Mamie Posts: 1,784 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Not reset but restart your modem when configured as a bridge. And then restart your router for the best results too. That is to say unplug the power cable and reconnect the cable. Enabling DHCP in your router automatically gives all your devices an IP address. That's what I did and everything is fine.

  • Mamie
    Mamie Posts: 1,784 ✭✭
    edited September 2022

    Hi @Hugh, i'm not sure about that because the new modem/router won't necessarily give all your devices the same IP addresses. For my part, I had to erase the connection link (forget) on each device (t.v., computer, tablet, printer...) and reconnect with network and password to ensure that there would not be of problem. Maybe it will work for you. But it is by trying that we come to know our devices. I am optimistic for you. Good luck!

  • Hugh
    Hugh Posts: 11 ✭✭

    Well, it did work (the duplication of the wireless SSID and password on the Fizz cable modem/router) with some minor tweaks. Remote computers were back on the network without any fuss. However, my wireless file server had to have the wireless connection bumped back from public to private. My wired file server had to have the connection be made available to other devices on the network (standard Windows prompt.)

    I had other issues which I won't mention but in the end it's done and I don't need my old wireless router.

    Thank you everyone for your help.

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