Hii, I recently changed my sim card and I received an email saying that i will get 5 new 1 Gb perks

and I was wondering if it’s normal if I haven’t received them ?
Thank you all
Best Answer
The message indicates that you need to wait up to 60 days to receive the free Perks.
Order your new SIM card now because by activating it by Month day, 2022, five My Rewards gifts of 1 GB each will be deposited in your account*
* The owner of the account associated with a mobile plan covered by this email who changes their current SIM card to a VoLTE compatible SIM card before the date mentioned in this email will receive five (5) My Rewards gifts of 1 GB each within 60 days following this change. An owner can receive a bundle of five (5) My Rewards gifts of 1 GB each for each mobile plan for which a SIM card change is required. The account owner will be notified by email at the time of deposit. These My Rewards gifts will then be available for 60 days, after which time the five (5) My Rewards gifts of 1GB each will expire.