How do I change my appointment from self installation to installation required?

TKieran Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited September 2022 in Your Fizz Account

The appointment is locked when I try to edit it, is it possible that they’re able to do a full instal without booking it and I can pay the fee when they arrive?

Best Answer


  • PF_Ref_D2U9A
    PF_Ref_D2U9A Posts: 7,019 ✭✭

    For your information, there are basically 2 differences between self-install and VIP installation:


    - VIP installation - The technician will unbox the modem, connect the wires, wait for the modem to boot up and to ensure it is properly connected.

    - Self-install is free. The technician will hand over the modem in the box to you

    Here are the instructions given by Fizz:

    If you are comfortable to plug in and connect the modem, then you should be fine with the self installation.



    Everything else is the same. Both self-install and VIP install include:

    - installing coaxial cable from outside line to your home.

    - testing the coaxial line to ensure proper signal strength.

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