hello, i just received a notification on my phone that I had activate a my sim card, but i never did

hasgha Posts: 2 ✭✭

so i received a notif on my phone telling me , welcome to fizz, heres the activation for your new phone number. It is really weird because i have an old fizz sim card on my phone and i cancelled my phone number with fizz over a year ago, I just let it in my phone. i went to my account but nothing telling me that i have a new phone number, i received 2 or 3 calls from someone who taught i was his fiance. Can i have some help please because i dont know what to do and i cant contact fizz for help. Thanks you


  • Olic
    Olic Posts: 822 ✭✭

    Apparently they reactivated your card on someone else's account. Maybe tell that person who's thinking of calling his fiance? He can warn her of the problem et she will probably have to contact Fizz...

  • hasgha
    hasgha Posts: 2 ✭✭

    that's what I did, thank you for the help