Unable to log into My Account

Is there an issue with the My Account web portal? I cannot log in today. Was working fine yesterday.
Best Answers
The customer service send me a link to change my password and it's working now.
You can try to change your psssword whit out reaching them. Someone on the french Side just did it and it's working now
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Thank you all for your replies. Clearing cache did not fix the issue. I had to reset my password. But, initially even the password reset did not work. Kept getting an error when I would save the new password. I believe that the issue has to do with the ampersand (&) character. Both my old and new passwords contained this character. I tried another password without the ampersand and it worked first time. Maybe Fizz put in an update restricting the use of the ampersand in passwords. I can't say for certain that is what caused the issue, but if anyone else has the same problem, I suggest you try a new password without any ampersand characters.
Hi Cornelius,
Fizz has a problem whit that.
I had this problem this morning and someone on the french Side post a question for that
you can contact Fizz customer service by opening this link: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-do-i-make-sure-my-mobile-service-working-properly and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, then click on it to start your chat session with Fizz customer service.
You can also do it on Facebook: https://facebook.com/fizzca
-By private message on Twitter : https://mobile.twitter.com/fizz_ca
-Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814
Chatting is the only fast and efficient method because you interact directly with customer service
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Clear your cache, close the browser and try again
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I erased the cache/cookies and I was able to connect
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I did all of that this morning and for me that was not working
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Then I was lucky
I went on Safari -> Clear History -> All History
and I was back on the forum, I personally try to do this before change my password
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Happy you fixed your problem ! 😎
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I think you are right about the & because i had it in my old password . I changed it and my problem been solve