Can’t access voice mail

when I go in the phone app and go to the voicemail tab it says “no voicemail”
when I call myself it’s like anyone calling my number: I hear my custom greeting and I’m offered to leave a message
how can I access my voice mail? My boss has left a message...
Best Answer
Hi Simon,
when you try to access your Voicemail, are you on your Wi-Fi network because you need to have a data plan in order to be able to access visual messaging, because you can only access it through your data and not through Wi-Fi.
So, make sure that your updates have been done properly for the proper functioning of visual messaging, then restart your device, then send the following text message: STATE, all caps, to this number precisely: 44744 and in order to check if the maneuver has worked well, go to the Phone app on your iPhone and tap the Messaging tab.
You can also modify your access code (PIN) directly online from your Fizz account (Under: My Plans > Manage My Plan > Advanced Settings > PIN to Access Your Voicemail), to possibly resolve this concern.
IMPORTANT: Unsafe combinations such as 1234 or 8888 will be rejected.
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To manually access your mailbox, dial 1-514-647-0999 from a “Non Fizz” phone.
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However, if you have any questions related to this paticular situation or any other topics, and you would like to contact Fizz’s support team directly for advice but also for specific answers about this situation, here is the procedure to follow in order to be able to contact the service. You can do it by opening the following link: and simply scroll down until you see the green bubble, than click on it to start your chat session with the customer service.
If the chat bubble still does not appear at the bottom of the page, on the right, after a few seconds, the number of pending sessions is higher than the service’s processing capacity. At that time, you can leave a message on the other proposed communication channels:
-By private message on Facebook/Messenger:
-By private message on Twitter :
-Whatsapp : (438) 393-5814