DATA gifting to a good cause (Please help)

Yesterday, i decided to help a homeless mans with a new Fizz account
He makes TikToks and films his daily life for his TikTok followers about his life on the streets and shares his historical knowledge of the city where he is homeless for 20 years now.
Please donate any unused Data to this account so we can continue his journey from living on the street for 20 years to a better place one day at a time.
His TikTok and Facebook account are linked below. Sorry its in french because we live in a French-Canadian province (Quebec, city of Montreal)
From David Bertrand
GB are a luxury but making TikToks takes lots of GBs , He will try to be as conomical as possible but he posts alot of videos for support. TikTok is the only lifeline he has at the moment.
Please Gift him any surplus Data you have.
Thank you so very much,
Davids friend