Looking for Data Perks
Thanks in advance!
I’m running out of data and it’s late to change my 0 data plan, so I can only receive data perks.
I really appreciate if people can share their data perk, thanks a lot! I’ll try my best to help after I change my plan!
Referral code : E789F please leave message here to add each other to contacts so that we can gift data perks
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You are right about those data perks. Those are the only gifts you can receive if you have a 0 data plan.
Sorry I don't have any data perks at the moment. The thing is those data perks are given out by Fizz to everyone about twice a year. So right now, only new customers would have them on hand and they need to have a mobile plan to be able to use or gift those data perks.
If you really need data before your renewal, you could buy a data add-on - https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-is-an-add-on-and-how-do-i-buy-one
Also remember to change your plan at least 4.5 days prior to your renewal.
Any change to your plan must be done by you (the member) on your account on fizz.ca.
Important: A freeze period is in effect 108 hours (4.5 days) before the end of your payment cycle, during which time no changes can be made to your plan.
Important: Any change to your plan must therefore be submitted 108 hours (4.5 days) before the end of your payment cycle to come into effect at the beginning of your next payment cycle. Not respecting this delay means changing your plan will be impossible and you will have to wait for the next payment cycle.