Switch from Videotron to Fizz mobile

François Posts: 17 ✭✭
edited July 2022 in My Mobile

Currently client of Videotron mobile,

Is it possible to switch to Fizz mobile with the current Videotron SIM card instead of having to order a new one and save the $15?

If so, please advise


Best Answer


  • François
    François Posts: 17 ✭✭

    sad to hear that. then it makes no (real) sense to switch. the 15$ just makes the deal not of any value

    wake me up when Fizz drops the SIM fee

  • Fling
    Fling Posts: 9,258 ✭✭


    If you create an account whit another email you can have 2 x $50 whit your referral code.


  • François
    François Posts: 17 ✭✭

    ok, I'll do that at the end of my billing cycle at Videotron

    Thanks for the tip

  • Mataze
    Mataze Posts: 2,070 ✭✭
    edited June 2022

    Depends how you see it @Francois,

    Like an investment, the rewards and the program of Fizz may be on the long run more advantageous than Videotron. Specially with the 120mb internet plan @ 53$, I think it is a good deal.

    It all depends your needs too. I don't use the TV at all so I don't need a TV plan.

    And yes, it is legal to create two accounts, one for internet and one for mobile and get 2 x 50$ referral code, and if you do it properly, you can get 3 x 50$ (you get from someone else for the first account, then the second you use the referral code of you first account, so you get twice the 50$ for the second account). The only thing is tho, is you are not progress as fast and y ou won't get the reward quyickly by doing so because you won't get points quickly.

  • François
    François Posts: 17 ✭✭

    I too already have the 120mb internet plan

    The reason I want to switch is dumbass Videotron charged me 25$ for (only) 300mb excess on my 4gb data plan

  • Philemon24
    Philemon24 Posts: 1,340 ✭✭

    You do not have to wait for their cycle since Videotron reimburses clients pro-rated. So you can cancel them at any time. They'll make it fair and clean on the following bill.

    Do not request Videotron to close your mobile line. Once you start the switch , Fizz will do do the paperwork and inform Videotron who will then do the closing on their end.

    Preferably, instead of purchasing the SIM card online, buy it in-store using this map to prevent package theft or delays. The map provides phone numbers so call beforehand to make sure they have some in stock.

    That way, you'll activate your line in the fastest and more secure way possible.


  • François
    François Posts: 17 ✭✭

    @Philemon24 thanks for the tip

  • Luke_Skywalker
    Luke_Skywalker Posts: 409 ✭✭

    Hi @Francois

    If you want to make the switch to Fizz, don't wait too much, do it before july 12 for the following 2 reasons :

    • The 120Mbps/20Mbps is currently at 53$/month, a good special price, the 120/20 for the price of the 60/10
    • The 50$ referal bonus (applied on your third bill) is a special offer. Normally it is 25$.

    After july 12, those 2 deal will get back to normal. I guest the 120/20 price will get back near to 60$/month.

    Take care !

  • François
    François Posts: 17 ✭✭

    like I said previously, I already have the 120/20 plan which is the same at about $50/m

  • Vasiok
    Vasiok Posts: 1,348 ✭✭


    Was thinking that Fizz don't allow this kind of "methods" :-)

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