Switch to Fizz home internet (from VIF also on Videotron)

Sharif Posts: 8 ✭✭
edited June 2022 in Internet


I am currently with VIF home internet (cable internet also by Videotron), in Laval QC.

I understand Fizz also uses Videotron. I want make sure the switch from VIF to Fizz happens without any interuption, as my work (from home), kids school work, home phone, and TV all relies on constant internet.

Any suggestion, advice, or experince move from other 3rd party Videotron reseller to Fizz, how to transfer smoothly to Fizz (without any loss of internet).

Should I set the Start date with Fizz on the same day end of VIF, or can I set Fizz start 1 day before to make sure I always have internet.


Best Answers

  • Zenthar
    Zenthar Posts: 516 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Not sure about going from reseller to reseller, but when I moved to Fizz from Vidéotron, I only cancelled Vidéotron AFTER everything was setup and working so I would suggest you do the same so you have a fallback if anything should fail.

  • Clive_ref_code_73TF9
    Clive_ref_code_73TF9 Posts: 545 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Sharif, the best action is to order Fizz and have it set up before, or at least the end date after, you disconnect the other service. Fizz is not a re-seller of Videotron services, Quebecor Ltd. own both Videotron and Fizz so they are sister companies. Fizz is the discount carrier, the same as Lucky is the discount carrier for Bell, Fido for Rogers, Koodo for Telus.


  • Sharif
    Sharif Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Thanks Zenthar.

    When I swtiched to VIF from Videotron (direct customer) 7-8 years ago, Videotorn dragged the transfer for 3 days (no internet) and finally when I gave up and asked VIF to refund me and ready to go back to Videotron (much higher cost) - VIF stepped up and forced Videotron to do the transfer.

    That's why I am very scared now, if transfer will take days of no internet, un-imaginable in current work from home situation.

  • swatt
    swatt Posts: 5,208 ✭✭

    Choose the right speed (download and upload) for you and try the service few days before canceling your current provider.

  • Sharif
    Sharif Posts: 8 ✭✭

    One last question, my current (yearly) subscription with VIF ends on July 1st.

    Can I start Fizz few days before that, e.g. Monday 2022/06/27 (don't want to switch on holiday July 1st, and if some problem happens no customer service during July 1-3).

  • Sharif
    Sharif Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Thanks Clive, that is very useful info to know Fizz is not a reseller, but Videotron is the parent company.

    (I hope Videtoron's bad/slizy pricing and customer service never come to Fizz)

    I have schduled Fizz 120mb for 2022-06-29, and my VIF yearly ends on July 1st.

    I am one of early Fizz mobile customer (2 mobile phones on Fizz) and found this Fizz comunity forum very helpful.

    Thank you all.

  • kayice11
    kayice11 Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I would suggest you don’t switch for now. I have no internet for 8 days. Moving with fizz now has a glitch

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