
Hi guys,
I’m a little confused about the upgrade.
I already have a $2 discount applied on my internet and now I can see another $2 discount available.
The question is can I apply another $2 new on top of the old $2 ?
Best Answer
Upgrades: Upgrades are rewards obtained when a certain level is achieved. They may be applied to the plan (mobile or internet) of your choice and may be changed at any time. When an upgrade is changed during a payment cycle, the change will be taken into account only during the following cycle, unless indicated otherwise. Upgrades remain valid for a period of twenty-four (24) months after they were obtained. Upgrades are attached to your user account and cannot be exchanged or given to a third party. Upgrades have no monetary value and we may change the number of upgrades awarded at any time and without notice. The following chart applies to upgrades:
- A maximum of 1 upgrade per plan may be applied between levels 1 and 2;
- A maximum of 2 upgrades per plan may be applied between levels 3 and 4;
- A maximum of 3 upgrades per plan may be applied starting at level 5.
Hi Victor,
each Fizz plan has three (3) slots on which an upgrade can be applied. The number of unlocked slots ready to welcome an upgrade varies based on your My Rewards level. If you have more than one slot available on a plan, the upgrades you’ll assign to that plan will be cumulative, making your plan even richer.
Source: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-do-i-receive-my-rewards-program#1
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So, I have 3 slots, one in use with $2, another with $1 and a new one with $2.
i can apply all 3 to be active and i will get $5 off in total?
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As mentioned above: If you have more than one slot available on a plan, the upgrades you’ll assign to that plan will be cumulative...
Source: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-do-i-receive-my-rewards-program#1
So if you can activate all three of them, because you have the three slots unlocked, the answer is yes.
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Thanks. Got it 👍🏻
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Actually I just tried now and looks like your answer is not working. I tried to apply the new one and is a swap not a cumulative.
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There may be a confusion here, you ALWAYS see three slots as this is the maximum number of available slots for those. BUT, they may not all be activated as seen here, there are three slots, but only the first one is actually active, the other two are not yet activated.
Hope this helps,
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You must have the slots unlocked, so without a lock on the box, in order to activate an upgrade. If this is the case, press the free box and you will be asked to choose an upgrade that you have obtained beforehand.
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Ok, so ….. I attached a screenshot at my first question.
there is no lock . What are you showing me is the locked and unlocked slots for levels. I just reached level 4 and they give me $2 .
what was the point to give me $2 as bonus if i already have a $2 activated ?
Again, i posted two screenshots
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The maximum of 3 is per plan so if I have 3 upgrades for mobile I can have 3 for internet too, correct? I'm thinking to take the internet with Fizz and I see that I have 3 upgrades. So I'm curious if the discounts are cumulative as asked above.