hendy Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited May 2022 in My Mobile

can i keep my phone number even I stop the payments , and reopen 6 months later ??

if not, can I use the same sim to a different number, with the same sim , or have to buy t new one??

Best Answer

  • Jess_i88b6
    Jess_i88b6 Posts: 14,014 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @hendy

    Yes you can reactivate a SIM card

    After you close your plan you can give your SIM card to a friend. They can use it to activate their own Fizz plan (with their own settings, etc.). This will save them from having to buy their own SIM card.

    The activation code for your SIM card is entered by default in the reactivation process for your Fizz plan. With this number, your SIM card can be associated with any Fizz plan.


    In order to keep your number you can unsubscribe, reactivate the plan within 60 days with the lower plan, unsubscribe within the month, and looping like this.

    Unless you transferred it to another mobile provider, you can reuse your Fizz phone number up to 60 days after unsubscribing, whether to reactivate your plan or to use it for another plan in your account.



  • EricPD
    EricPD Posts: 181 ✭✭

    As long as you keep the activation code, I think you can reuse a fizz SIM card. However, you will loose your phone number if you cancel your subscription.

    if you want to keep your phone number, you need to keep the line active. To minimize the costs, you can change your package to the smallest offered by fizz.

  • Mataze
    Mataze Posts: 2,070 ✭✭

    Unless you transferred it to another mobile provider, you can reuse your Fizz phone number up to 60 days after unsubscribing, whether to reactivate your plan or to use it for another plan in your account.

  • Clive_ref_code_73TF9
    Clive_ref_code_73TF9 Posts: 545 ✭✭

    Hello @hendy, Fizz does allow past customers to re-subscribe and re-use their Fizz SIM, regardless of time passed since deactivation of service.

  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 5,213 ✭✭

    Yes you can without any problem

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