What is Home Internet

Is home internet completely independant wireless service (like 4G)? Or is it a resale of existing wired service provider (cable or phone)?
Best Answers
It is a resale for a videotron internet over coaxial cable
If you decide to create your internet plan, don't forget to use a referral code in order to have a discount, yes you can use mine or pick one here https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/2198337/this-is-the-place-for-your-referral-codes-here-and-only-here
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Hi @PedroSantana, Fizz is owned by Quebecor Ltd which also owns Videotron. Fizz uses the Videotron infrastructure so Fizz Mobile and its Home Internet offerings use Videotron signals. Fizz Home Internet to your home/residence is wired, using coax cable, and the modem provides Internet via network cable and WIFI. I hope this answers your question.