How to download all bills at once?

Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited March 2022 in Your Fizz Account

I am desperately looking for a "download all" button to get access to all my bills on a single pdf...

Does that exist?


Best Answer

  • Posts: 10,182 ✭✭
    Answer ✓



    here's the procedure to see your Fizz bills, from the last 6 months

    1. Go to My Plans in your Fizz account.
    2. If you have more than one plan, choose the plan you wish to see transactions for.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the usage summary and click on Transaction history.

    You'll then have access to your invoices in PDF format that you can print but unfortunately not on a single invoice, they will be separated.


  • Posts: 14,255 ✭✭


    You need to download one by one and merge them manually later on

    There are different site online that give you the opportunity to merge pdfs files

  • Posts: 2,305 ✭✭

    Would be nice to be able to download them all in one, but that is not offered. Even if they offered an option to select multiple statements and you download a ZIP file which included all the PDFs would be good also I guess.

    You can also use many online free services to merge PDF files (one you download them all). Adobe even has a free service on their web site.

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