Playstation 5

As the PS5 is unavailable everywhere, do some of you have the console?
Do you know a website/Reddit subgroup where we could find available PS5s in online or brick-and-mortar stores?
It seems like it's impossible to get a new one without buying one from a scalper...
Are you looking for alerts for drops?
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Yes, but there never seems to be any drops expect rare ones on the last day of each month. I tried the Discord channel, but the live Twitter accounts seem to be more effective. Never could buy one because of the scalper bots, but at least I got info on the drops...
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Is availability for the PS5 still that bad even now?
I was holding off getting a new console because I was waiting for the new GTA game to come out first ..
Plus there wasnt anything that grabbed my attention.. especially at the prices for consoles lately..
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There was an Internet website but I forgot... I'll look for it
But now it's starting to have some PS5 from time to time. It seems easier to get
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All right, let us know
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Did you try on FB marketplace? Maybe someone is trying to get rid of theirs right now.
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Good idea!
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I can't find it anymore...
But PS5 seems more frequent. My local game shop announced having a bunch of them yesterday
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They will probably be able to keep up with the stock when we will start to see some leaks of the PS6... lol
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They started discounting the God of War bundle this week, stock must not be a problem anymore. Now that there are leaks of PS5 Slim and Pro...
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I think you are probably right. With some stuff companies are speculating using the low stock as an excuse I believe. In this way they will not discount the product and sell it at least at MSRP, like with cars
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I've got mine a long time ago from Gamestop. During almost at the launch. I just ask my local GameStop employee if they had a call list. They said yes. But it was not a reservation. If they got like 2 in stock they called the first 2 people and we had like 3 hours to go get it, or it they called the next person.
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Good for you! It has been crazy out there for a while
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The worst part of having a PS5 is realizing that you're mostly playing PS4 games...
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Ouch!! Really?!
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Why is that?
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Not a lot of new-gen exclusives. But the PS5 version of ps4 game are way more nice and fluide.
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Oh ok got it... I didn't know
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Was at Costco yesterday, there are plenty of PS5 there.
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Good to know!
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I have them the ps1
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There should be a lot more ps5 in stocks now, since there isn,t as much of a shortage anymore.
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you beat me to it.
Good combo too! Consol, god of war + second controller under 800$
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Ouch! 800$?!?
back in the day, you could get a PS2 for 300$…
Guess that’s because of inflation too!
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Well, the launch price was 300$USD , probably about 400$CAD, and in today cash it mean 657$.
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Not too bad after all…
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Yeah 800$ is a bit too much.
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Especially since there will be a new ps5 coming out soon.
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Really? Again!
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Yeah, a pro, a slim... whatever 🤣
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going to have plenty old ps5 has for sale
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Probably yes
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I want one that doesn't steal points😂
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yeah it's like a slim
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I don,t think it's a pro version tho
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But it's like a slim that doesn't come with the hard drive disc but you can buy it separately and attach it.
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Thanks for the info
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I can see your point, and it is too pricey if it's an impulsive buy. But About 80$ for the game and 100$ for the extra controller, so the console itself is about 640$.
So if you do not really care to have a "slim" and want to be sure to have one. It's a good chance. But now any console (except Nintendo) is for a "true" gamer. Meaning must play with it a lot to "win back your money" not "be a hardcore or pro" gamer.
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Oh OK got it! Thanks
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Yeah that does make sense but I actually always get the slim version of Sony's consoles there are usually better and last longer
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No problem
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I don't see how this is related to Fizz...
But if it's going to help you to utilize you brand new (working) internet connection:
( may want to verify at Walmard
PlayStation 5
Ens. de console PlayStation 5 et jeu vidéo God of War Ragnarök
Vendu et expédié par Walmard
6 avr. au 12 avr. 2023 )
I hope that helps.
Have a nice day.
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Thanks for the info
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I mean, we are in the "Break Room" section of the forum so the thread should not be related to Fizz...
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Well said!!
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Thank you @Derr. I don't want to sound unpolite... Probably he/she didn't know about the break room. The subsections are a bit confusing
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You’re right, I was once questioning the relevance of a post and did not see that it was in the break room. Someone politely explain to me that there wasn’t any problem with posting that kind of stuff in the break room… He/she was right!
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Neutral ground!
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