is it normal that the chat customer service is not working ?

ridgy I.
ridgy I. Posts: 1 ✭✭
edited January 2022 in Your Fizz Account

when i go on the ''?'' bubble and i press on chat the bubble keep disapiring

Best Answer

  • Philemon24
    Philemon24 Posts: 1,340 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @ridgy I.

    The ❔ not visible or does nothing? Make sure…

    • try in incognito/private mode
    • to try with a different browser, Chrome and Edge are known to work relatively well with Fizz
    • to try on another device (mobile, laptop, tablet)
    • you really are on a FAQ page e.g.
    • you scroll through the page and after 10-15 seconds the ❔ bubble will appear in the bottom right corner of the page.
    • you are really logged in with your account:
      1. Disconnect explicitly using "►Log out" in the left menu
      2. close any Fizz tab
      3. clear your cookies
      4. reconnect.
    • no browser extension blocks its appearance (ad blocker or plugins like "NoScript").
    • JavaScript is enabled
    • no VPN disables the rendering, some have ad blockers
    • to empty your cache


  • Mario_FQDZA
    Mario_FQDZA Posts: 4,068 ✭✭

    Start by clearing your cookies and Internet cache with CCleaner (maybe that's the problem).

    Login your account ---> Help ---> Contact us ---> Find an answer (in the middle column marked "The Solution Hub")

    In the search box type "APN" (for example) ---> "Enter"

    Click on any article that pops up.

    The "?" will appear at the bottom right corner. Click on that and choose chat. It will open a window (I just did - it works).

  • Emporium
    Emporium Posts: 2,305 ✭✭
    edited January 2022

    Ya, I've seen it before. Try changing browser as recommended. Maybe even try in a Private window.

    For me when I have needed it, it only works  with Firefox, while a private window, and only when in the French language.. But you can chat in any language once the chat starts. No other combination works for me, on any of my PCs.

    Oh ya, and I always start from these pages: or

  • Hello,

    • clear your browser cache to clear saved images, cookies, etc.
    • switch to private window/mode
    • try a different browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox and other less common ones like Brave, Vivaldi, etc. should work without issue)
    • another option instead of the Chat feature is to go to My Settings, Contact Form and submit a complaint there. This has always worked for me and is an exchange by the email registered on your account.
  • Damien L. #2266
    Damien L. #2266 Posts: 29 ✭✭

    Try messenger on Facebook. At first it's an automatic response but several minutes or hours after someone respond.

  • Judithberkowitz
    Judithberkowitz Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Can I get someone to chat for my problem??????

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