Transfer from another provider (Ciktelecom)

35347402 Posts: 4 ✭✭
edited January 2022 in Your Fizz Account

I want to discuss the issue of internet connectivity.

For tomorrow we have planned (January 04) to connect to your service.

Now we are with Ciktelecom. Should we disconnect from them? (we are with them until January 08) Or is it unnecessary?

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Fizzy
    Fizzy Posts: 12,162 ✭✭
    edited January 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi 35347402

    I suggest to keep your current internet subscription active and cancel it only when you have your new internet service up and running.

    To find out if you are eligible for Fizz home Internet, you can go here to simulate a registration:

    Select your plan and enter your address. If you are eligible, you can enter your payment information and select an installation date.

    On the installation date, the technician will bring the Fizz modem and hook up the cabling into your home. You can consult the overall Fizz guide here:

    Here are the self installation instructions from Fizz: Mostly, you unwrap the modem, plug in 2 or 3 cables, turn on the modem and wait for it to complete the update, then enjoy your home internet!

    Here on the forum, we are users. If you have any questions regarding your specific address, Fizz customer service is available here:


    BTW if anyone is a new customer, be sure to use a referral code to receive at least $25 credit from Fizz.

    If you need a referral code, there is a list here:

    You can choose mine or the code of someone who has helped you. 😃

    To be transparent, both parties will receive the bonus credit once you have paid your second bill.


    Welcome to Fizz!


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