Fizz changed their plan to 60 MB for 45+tax

I noticed that I am paying 45+tax for 30 MB speed, when Fizz changed this plan to 60 MB for the same price?? I dont think it is fair to know that for the same price a new member can get 60 speed when I am paying the same price for 30 speed.
Best Answer
You are free to select the 60MB plan, and you will be charged the same price, and your speed profile will be increased at your next billing period.
That is one good thing with Fizz. All promo prices are for everyone. Not just for new members. Jump on it now, before it goes back up :) And once you are locked in, even when it goes back up, as long as you don't make any changes to your plan, you will continue to pay that price. Seems like they have phased out the 30M speed profile.
I juumped on the $50 for 120/20 promo a few months back, and still paying that, even though the price went up. Actually paying less with some of the little bonuses I have gotten here and there. Not complaining.
Hey, maybe the 200M profile will drop and they will introduce the 400M profile also :)